All Adult pictures are located on the appropriate Adult page for the breed. Click Button below to go directly to the page.
If you are interested in purchasing a puppy you can request a contract from our contract request page or preview our contract from our Forms/Payment Info page.
We NO longer accept deposits for puppies. Contract requests will hold a puppy until it is ready to go. The person who requested a contract first (based on date and time stamp) will be the first person a puppy is offered to, they pass on the pup then it is relisted or we move on to the next contract request.
All litters are listed in DOB order and DOB is shown. Puppies are listed by Dam's name and their number in the litter.
Any puppy can be shipped for an additional $500 via ground shipping to most destinations in the US (Florida is not a state we can ship to). If you are interested in shipping please call 918-698-0645 to discuss the options.
To see litters by breed click on the links below for each breed.